Are you local to Salem?
Have ideas for your own events that could be a part of the Daughters of Darkness Festival programming?
We believe that Daughters of Darkness should be a city-wide event and our mission is to shine a light on women-led creative businesses with a darker edge! If you are an artist, musician, or writer who specializes in darker arts, oddities, or similar, or if you run a brick and mortar location and would like to participate in Daughters of Darkness by hosting a satellite event, we'd love to hear your proposals! Some suggested events include:
Musical performances at a local shop, cafe, or restaurant
Art shows at a local cafe, restaurant, shop, or museum
Tours featuring stories about women who have made an impact on Salem history
Yoga or other fitness and wellness classes
Artist workshops (painting, creative writing, photography, sculpture, taxidermy, jewelry making, soap making, etc.)
Cooking classes or wine, beer, or spirits tastings featuring women-led distilleries, wineries, and breweries
Theatrical performances
Live readings by local writers/poets/etc.
Some helpful tips when planning a satellite event:
We expect the busiest times for the market will be the first several hours it is open, so people might be less likely to attend an event the first hour or two the market is open on Saturday & Sunday.
We will list accepted proposed events in the programming for Daughters of Darkness, but you should also be advertising your satellite events to your social media audience and customers to ensure a good turnout.
Our Expectations
Hosts of proposed satellite events should be involved in their own event either as a presenter, organizer, artist, performer, business owner etc.
Daughters of Darkness uses an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and we welcome cis women, trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people to participate as collaborators, vendors, and hosts of satellite events. All genders are welcome to volunteer at and attend the festival. We expect organizers and hosts of satellite events to do so as well.
Hosts may charge a ticket fee for their events. We understand the need to be paid for time and materials. Building donations to HAWC Northshore together is a cornerstone of the Daughters of Darkness festival and we request that a portion of tickets be donated to HAWC. This is all we ask in exchange for a listing in the Daughters of Darkness programming if your proposal is accepted.